Belfast FRESH Meeting
Meeting of the FRESH network, 23 April 2010
- Rowena Gray (UC Davis), 'Taking Technology to Task: The Skill Content of Technological Change in Early Twentieth Century United States'
- Karol Jan Borowiecki (Trinity College Dublin), 'The Heterogeneous Impact of War on Classical Music Composition: Solving the War-Art Puzzle'
- Paul Sharp (University of Copenhagen), 'Law and peace: Contracts and the success of the Danish dairy cooperatives'
- Graeme G. Acheson (University of Ulster), 'The character and denomination of shares on the British equity market, 1825-70'
- Amir Rezaee (Université d’Orléans-EDHEC), 'How to regulate a financial market? The impact of the 1893-1898 regulatory reforms on the Paris Bourse'
- Kajsa Holmberg (Lund University), 'The role of the company in occupational feminisation'
- Catherine R. Schenk (University of Glasgow), 'The dissolution of a monetary union: the case of Malaysia and Singapore 1965-75'
- Chris Colvin (LSE), 'God and risk: The role of religiosity in rural banking in early 20th century the Netherlands'
- Eoin McLaughlin (National University of Ireland, Maynooth), 'Irish loan fund societies 1860-1914: A case study in regulatory capture'